© 2017 Manuel Razo. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0. All code contained herein is licensed under an MIT license
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# Set the plotting environment.
%matplotlib inline
# This enables SVG graphics inline (only use with static plots (non-Bokeh))
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
As explained in the document with the experiment background Luria and Delbrück wanted to discern between two standing theories of inheritance:
Post–adaptive mutations (aquired immunity hypothesis) Pre–adaptive mutations (inherited mutations hypothesis) In this document we numerically simulate both hypothesis in order to get a feeling of what to expect from both scenarios in our experiments. But in order to simulate these hypothesis we must recall the possible outcomes of each scenario as depicted in the following figure
As shown in the figure there are four different outcomes for the adaptive mutation hypothesis. What this scenario assumes is that given a fixed number of cells plated on selective media are in some fashion "induced" to undergo mutations allowing survival given a probability of mutating.
Our objective is then, given a fixed number of cells, to "toss the coin" for each cell in order to decide if they will acquire the mutation and survive or not.
Let's first initialize the variables that we will need
# probability that a particular cell will acquire the mutation
mut_rate = 1e-5;
# number of cells in the simulation
n_cells = 128000;
Now let's determine the number of simulations to run and initialize the array to save our results
# number of simulations
n_simulations = 1000;
# initialize array to save outcomes
outcomes = np.zeros(n_simulations)
Time to run the simulation! For this we will generate random numbers between 0 and 1 using the function np.random.rand
. Since these numbers are generated using a uniform distribution, i.e. each number has equal probability of occurring, the numbers that are less than or equal to our mutation rate add up to this probability. If you are not sure about this claim try to integrate the PDF of this distribution from zero to an unknown variable $x$ such that the integral is equal to the mutation rate.
# run simulation!
for i in np.arange(n_simulations):
outcomes[i] = np.sum(np.random.rand(n_cells) < mut_rate)
Let's now plot the histogram of the results to visualize the expected distribution.
# plot the histogram with bins of size 1
plt.hist(outcomes, bins=np.arange(0, np.max(outcomes)))
plt.xlabel('number of resistant mutants')
_= plt.title('Acquired immunity hypothesis distribution of resistant mutants')
Let's now display the relevant quantities that will tell us something about the validity of this hypothesis
print('Mean number of mutants: ', np.mean(outcomes))
print('Variance in number of mutants: ', np.var(outcomes))
print('Fano-factor: ', np.var(outcomes) / np.mean(outcomes))
The alternative scenario assumes that mutations occur at random with which natural variability of th population increases over time. Once a selection agent on the environment appears, only the cells with the right mutations will survive. In order to simulate this scenario we will write down a function to perform the simulation. The steps that the function must follow are:
Let's define our function then. This function will take as input 3 parameters:
. The mutation raten_0
. The initial number of cellsn_div
. The number of divisions.def inherited_mut(mut_rate, n_0, n_div):
Function to simulate the inherited mutation hypothesis
mut_rate : float.
probability of a basepair mutating
n_0 : int.
initial number of cells in the simulation
n_divisions: int.
number of simulated divisions
num_mutants : int.
Number of resistan mutants afteer n_divisions
# Initialize array to save cells
cells = np.zeros(n_0)
# Loop through cell divisions to perform simulation
for div in np.arange(n_div):
# Duplicate cells
daughter_cells = cells
# Save current number of daughter cells
n_cells = len(daughter_cells)
# find cells that mutate generating random numbers between 0 and 1
# those that are less than the mutation rate are considered resistant
# mutants
mutators = np.random.rand(n_cells) < mut_rate
# to account for cells whose mother cell was already a mutant we use
# a simple boolean OR function. If the mother was mutant OR the
# daughter turned to be a mutant the daughter must stay as mutant then
daughter_cells = np.logical_or(daughter_cells, mutators)
# concatenate both arrays
cells = np.concatenate([cells, daughter_cells])
# Compute the total number of mutant cells
num_mut = np.sum(cells)
# Return this value
return num_mut
Having defined the function let's define the parameters for the simulation.
# mutation rate calibrated to give ≈ 1 mutant per plate.
mut_rate_inherit = 3e-6;
# initial number of cells
n_0 = 1000;
# number of cell divisions
n_divisions = 7;
# note that 128000 = 1000 * 2^7 if you were wondering why we chose that number
Now let's repeat the simulation 1000 times to plot the histogram. This should be pretty simple now that we have defined our fancy function.
# Define number of simulations
n_simulations = 1000
# Initialize array to save the final number of mutant cells
outcomes_inherit = np.zeros(n_simulations)
# Loop through number of cells
for i in np.arange(n_simulations):
# Register final number of mutant cells
outcomes_inherit[i] = inherited_mut(mut_rate_inherit, n_0, n_divisions)
Now let's look at the distribution.
plt.hist(outcomes_inherit, np.arange(np.max(outcomes_inherit)))
plt.xlabel('number of resistant mutants')
_= plt.title('Inherited mutations hypothesis distribution of resistant mutants')
Right away we can see that these distributions are extremely different. Just to confirm that let's compute the relevant quantities.
print('Mean number of mutants: ', np.mean(outcomes_inherit))
print('Variance in number of mutants: ', np.var(outcomes_inherit))
print('Fano-factor: ', np.var(outcomes_inherit) / np.mean(outcomes_inherit))
Wow! There are definitely significant differences between the expected distirbutions given both hypothesis. This was the beauty of Luria and Delbruck's insight . Quantitative predictions testable with a clever experiment allow them to distinguish between proposed inheritance mechanisms!